Are products original?
Yes, they have been restored according to the original factory plans. To find the original plans, reference is often made to manuals from the same period.
Do you provide a guarantee?
Yes, we guarantee originality and working condition. The guarantee on working condition depends on the items and is usually six months or one year.
What does the guarantee cover?
The guarantee fully covers various malfunctions. The customer does not have to pay anything for repairs during this period.
Do you also deliver?
Yes, we deliver the goods personally with our own trucks. The product will arrive at your address without any risk.
Do you carry out repairs at your customers’ premises?
We generally prefer not to, as we can solve problems more thoroughly in our workshop and test the repair more thoroughly.
Where do the objects displayed on this site come from?
Most of them come from the United States, although some are Italian.
Where do jukeboxes come from?
The jukeboxes come entirely from the USA (with the exception of some models already in Italy) and specifically from North America. Jukebox Lanfredi does not handle machines from South America.
Can you make restorations to order?
Certainly. Your restoration can be customised.
Do you also deal in American furniture?
Yes, in the section on petrol pumps and furniture you will find some examples of American furniture such as tables, chairs, stools and benches in various styles and colours typical of American diners.
Do you write juke box or jukebox?
Jukebox is an American word meaning ‘a box for a dance hall’. In Italy, people often write juke box as two separate words, but the correct way is one word.
I would like to furnish my family room in vintage style. Can you help me?
Yes. We work with you to create an interior design according to your needs in terms of space and taste.
Do you only sell used pinball machines or also restored ones?
The pinball machines, depending on model and condition, are left original or restored.
Which is better, a restored or preserved jukebox?
An object that has been in a public place can rarely be considered well preserved after many years. I prefer a complete restoration, which not only restores the original appearance (lost over the years) but also guarantees the working conditions.
What is the difference between jukeboxes made in the 1950s and those made in the 1970s?
The main difference is that the former had valve amplifiers while the latter uses transistors.
Do you also sell electronic pinball machines by bally, williams, stern, etc.?
We occasionally have this type of pinball machine in stock. Please contact us for availability.
We are at your disposal for any information.
Jukebox Lanfredi
Via Crosare, 20D – 37051 Bovolone, Verona, Italy – VAT number 04038870236 – © 2015-2025 All rights reserved – Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy – This site uses only technical cookies, as indicated in the Cookie Policy.
Graphic design: Fabrizio Mirandola – Website: 045WEB
Jukebox Lanfredi
Via Crosare, 20D – 37051 Bovolone, Verona, Italy
VAT number 04038870236
© 2015-2025 All rights reserved – Terms and Conditions
This site uses only technical cookies, as indicated in the
Cookie Policy.
Graphic design: Fabrizio Mirandola
Website: 045WEB